The 'canary network' for Polkadot. It consists of an early-release, unaudited version of the Polkadot software. It is not a testnet - after the transition to NPoS, the network is entirely in the hands of the community (i.e., Kusama token holders).
@prefix ponto: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
ponto:Kusama a ponto:RelayChain ;
rdfs:label "Kusama" ;
ponto:hasNetType ponto:mainnet ;
ponto:hasParachain ponto:Statemine ;
rdfs:comment "The 'canary network' for Polkadot. It consists of an early-release, unaudited version of the Polkadot software. It is not a testnet - after the transition to NPoS, the network is entirely in the hands of the community (i.e., Kusama token holders)." .