An architecture based on a multichain network that includes several different types of chains, each with its own specific purpose and functionality. The core of the architecture is a relay chain that facilitates communication with parachains and parathreads.
Instances of ponto:PolkadotArchitecture can have the following properties:
From class ponto:Architecture | |||
ponto:hasComponent | owl:ObjectProperty | ponto:Component |
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix ponto: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
ponto:PolkadotArchitecture a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Polkadot Architecture" ;
ponto:hasComponent ponto:Parachain,
ponto:RelayChain ;
rdfs:comment "An architecture based on a multichain network that includes several different types of chains, each with its own specific purpose and functionality. The core of the architecture is a relay chain that facilitates communication with parachains and parathreads." ;
rdfs:subClassOf ponto:LedgerArchitecture .