ponto:ActiveNomination leaf node




Active Nomination


A validator (or validators) that a nominator has selected to nominate and is actively validating this era. The nominator is placing their stake behind this validator for this era and will potentially receive staking rewards in return for doing so.


Instances of ponto:ActiveNomination can have the following properties:

From class ponto:Validator
ponto:blocksNomination rdf:Property Indicates that a validator does not currently allow any more nominations. This is controlled by the validator. xsd:boolean
ponto:hasDuty owl:ObjectProperty ponto:DutyRoster
ponto:proposesBlock owl:ObjectProperty A Validator node that proposes a block in the Polkadot network. ponto:Transaction
ponto:validatesBlock owl:ObjectProperty A Validator node that validates a block in the Polkadot network. ponto:Transaction
ponto:validatesTransaction owl:ObjectProperty A Validator node that validates a transaction. ponto:Transaction
ponto:validatorAtCapacity owl:ObjectProperty The maximum number of nominators signalling intent to nominate a validator (and thus could potentially actively nominate that validator in the next session). This maximum number will equal the number of nominators necessary to oversubscribe a validator. Any validator which is 'at capacity' or higher may potentially be oversubscribed in the next session; a validator that is not at capacity cannot be oversubscribed unless more nominators select it before the next election. xsd:integer
From class ponto:Node
ponto:hasVotingPower owl:ObjectProperty In the Polkadot multichain ecosystem, voting power is distributed among different entities based on their role and stake in the network. xsd:boolean


@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix ponto: <http://www.mobr.ai/ontologies/ponto#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

ponto:ActiveNomination a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Active Nomination" ;
    rdfs:comment "A validator (or validators) that a nominator has selected to nominate and is actively validating this era. The nominator is placing their stake behind this validator for this era and will potentially receive staking rewards in return for doing so." ;
    rdfs:subClassOf ponto:Validator .