A transaction in a blockchain, representing the transfer of assets between two parties.
Instances of ponto:Transaction can have the following properties:
From class ponto:Transaction | |||
ponto:amountTransferred | owl:DatatypeProperty | The amount of assets transferred in a Polkadot blockchain transaction. | xsd:decimal |
ponto:hasTimestamp | owl:DatatypeProperty | The timestamp of the transaction. | xsd:dateTimeStamp |
ponto:typeOfAsset | owl:DatatypeProperty | The type of asset transferred in a Polkadot blockchain transaction. | xsd:string |
ponto:hasSender | owl:ObjectProperty | The sender of a Polkadot blockchain transaction. | ponto:Sender |
From class ponto:Extrinsic | |||
ponto:hasExtrinsicId | owl:DatatypeProperty | xsd:string | |
ponto:hasXCMTransfer | owl:ObjectProperty | ponto:XCMTransfer | |
From class ponto:LedgerRecord | |||
ponto:decrementsRefCount | owl:ObjectProperty | A Transaction or an Account can decrement a Reference Counter | ponto:ReferenceCounter |
ponto:hasReserved | owl:ObjectProperty | ponto:ReservedBalance | |
ponto:incrementsRefCount | owl:ObjectProperty | A Transaction or an Account can increment a Reference Counter | ponto:ReferenceCounter |
ponto:recordedOn | owl:ObjectProperty | The block where a record is stored | ponto:Block |
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix ponto: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
ponto:Transaction a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Transaction" ;
rdfs:comment "A transaction in a blockchain, representing the transfer of assets between two parties." ;
rdfs:subClassOf ponto:Extrinsic .