The Polkadot Collectives parachain was added in Referendum 81 and exists only on Polkadot (i.e., there is no Kusama equivalent). The Collectives chain hosts on-chain collectives that serve the Polkadot network, such as the Fellowship and Polkadot Alliance.
@prefix ponto: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
ponto:Collectives a ponto:Parachain ;
rdfs:label "Collectives" ;
ponto:hasParaId 1001 ;
rdfs:comment "The Polkadot Collectives parachain was added in Referendum 81 and exists only on Polkadot (i.e., there is no Kusama equivalent). The Collectives chain hosts on-chain collectives that serve the Polkadot network, such as the Fellowship and Polkadot Alliance." .