ponto:ReservedBalance leaf node




Reserved Balance


Certain actions require reserving transferable tokens to use space in the chain state. These tokens act as a deposit that is set aside for an operation and still belongs to the account holder but cannot be used for other operations. The tokens are reserved for as long as the reason exists. Once the reason is removed, the balance becomes transferable once again.

Superclasses (2)


Instances of ponto:ReservedBalance can have the following properties:

From class ponto:ReservedBalance
ponto:reservedFor owl:ObjectProperty Tokens can be reserved for various reasons that use space in the chain state. Unlike locks, reserves do stack. So, each new action that requires a deposit reserves the necessary amount added to any previous reserves that might exist. ponto:ReservationReason
From class ponto:Balance
ponto:hasBalanceValue owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:decimal


@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix ponto: <http://www.mobr.ai/ontologies/ponto#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

ponto:ReservedBalance a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Reserved Balance" ;
    rdfs:comment "Certain actions require reserving transferable tokens to use space in the chain state. These tokens act as a deposit that is set aside for an operation and still belongs to the account holder but cannot be used for other operations. The tokens are reserved for as long as the reason exists. Once the reason is removed, the balance becomes transferable once again." ;
    rdfs:subClassOf ponto:Balance .