A mechanism which works in some sense as the reverse of a Treasury Proposal, allowing the Polkadot Council to indicate that there is a need to do some task for the Polkadot network and allowing users to receive DOT in return for working on that task.
Instances of ponto:Bounty can have the following properties:
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix ponto: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
ponto:Bounty a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Bounty" ;
rdfs:comment "A mechanism which works in some sense as the reverse of a Treasury Proposal, allowing the Polkadot Council to indicate that there is a need to do some task for the Polkadot network and allowing users to receive DOT in return for working on that task." ;
rdfs:subClassOf ponto:GovernanceComponent .