ponto:DOT leaf node






The native token for Polkadot. DOT serves three purposes: network governance (allowing them to vote on-chain upgrades and other exceptional events), general operation (rewarding good actors and punishing bad actors), and bonding (adding new parachains by 'freezing' DOT while they are connected the Relay Chain).


Instances of ponto:DOT can have the following properties:

From class ponto:FungibleToken
ponto:hasName owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:string
ponto:hasSymbol owl:DatatypeProperty xsd:string
ponto:hasLockedBalance owl:ObjectProperty ponto:LockedBalance
ponto:hasReservedBalance owl:ObjectProperty ponto:ReservedBalance
ponto:hasTransferableBalance owl:ObjectProperty ponto:TransferableBalance
From class ponto:Asset
ponto:bonding rdf:Property A process by which tokens can be 'frozen' in exchange for some other benefit. For example, staking is a form of bonding for which you receive rewards in exchange for securing the network. You can also bond tokens in exchange for a parachain slot. xsd:decimal


@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix ponto: <http://www.mobr.ai/ontologies/ponto#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

ponto:DOT a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "DOT" ;
    rdfs:comment "The native token for Polkadot. DOT serves three purposes: network governance (allowing them to vote on-chain upgrades and other exceptional events), general operation (rewarding good actors and punishing bad actors), and bonding (adding new parachains by 'freezing' DOT while they are connected the Relay Chain)." ;
    rdfs:subClassOf ponto:NativeToken .